Sunday, June 30, 2013

C# WPF Tutorial 10- Simple Fade animation for controls using WPF

xaml  WPF Fade Animation
Fade Animation in WPF Using XAML
Change opacity using Animation
WPF Fade Out on a control
c# WPF Fade Out on a control
Fading visibility in and out in WPF
c# Fade any control using a WPF animation
How To Animate Visibility Property?
Windows Fade animation using WPF
Create Animation Programmatically
A simple WPF fading popup control

C# WPF Tutorial 9- Open New WPF Window on button click ( with Login )

how to run single instance of wpf form?
Opening new window or Message Box in Login using WPF
Open New Window in WPF With Prism using MEF Container
Open another WPF Windows in same Project
c# - How to open a new window using WPF
WPF: Click button and open new window different options
c# - How to open second window from first window in wpf?
WPF: Opening new window on button click
Searches related to how to open a new window in wpf
wpf open window in new thread
c# wpf open new window
wpf mvvm open new window
xaml open new window
wpf main window
difference between wpf page and wpf window
wpf window fit to content
wpf load new window

C# WPF Tutorial 8- How to bind to a PasswordBox in WPF (with Login Window)

c# - How to bind to a PasswordBox
wpf - Use value of passwordbox
how to use text box as password box in wpf
WPF Tutorial | PasswordBox
Binding to PasswordBox in WPF
WPF PasswordBox

Saturday, June 29, 2013

How to add blogger favicon? Fix Favicon not showing error!

How to create a blog?Oh!You have already done that,haven't you?Ok then.Have you added your own favicon for your blog.If no then follow the steps below.
Favicon is important for Website branding. It is important to design a custom Favicon as it is very easy to create and used to represent your website.


  Favicons are displayed on
  •  Address bar 
  • The history bar
  •  Bookmarks or Favourites 
  • Shortcuts
  • Links bar
How to add blogger favicon?
  1. Go to to download a favicon or make your own favicon.(Make sure that the favicon size is less than 100 KB and it is in square shape.)
  2. Then go to your blogger dashboard and navigate to layout tab.
  3. Click on Edit Favicon on the upper left corner of the layout.
  4. Then upload your favicon and hit save.
  5. Go to your blog and check whether it is showing up.
  6. That's it.You are done.
If you can't see your favicon then go to
                                      http://YOUR BLOG URL/favicon.ico

If you still can't see

  1. Empty the browser cache and reload the webpage.
Hit the +1 button below if this trick has worked for you.

Friday, June 28, 2013

C# WPF Tutorial 7- Login Form using sqlite in C# WPF application PART-2/2


Login Form in C# windows Presentation Foundation
wpf - Select query of sqlite in wpf?
How can I use Sqlite in a C# project?
How to set Login page using sqlite
Create Login Form
Login Program for C# with Mysql
Visual C# - Login Form Tutorial
c# - How can I close a login form and show the main form
Login Form using C# and SQL
C# Login Form with MS Access
Login Form using c# and ms access as database..?‎
closing Login form after a successful Login in C# form‎
create a login form using c#‎
C# program to connect to mysql
php login code mysql
Login Source Codes
Code for login form in c#
C# Login form Searches related to c# login form
java login form
visual basic login form
visual studio login form
c# login form template
c# login form access database
c# login form example
c# login form code
c# login form sql
create login page contain user id,password,buttons
mysql C# sample code

C# WPF Tutorial 6- Login Form using sqlite in C# WPF application PART-1/2


Login Form in C# windows Presentation Foundation
wpf - Select query of sqlite in wpf?
How can I use Sqlite in a C# project?
 How to set Login page using sqlite
Create Login Form
Login Program for C# with Mysql
Visual C# - Login Form Tutorial
c# - How can I close a login form and show the main form
Login Form using C# and SQL
C# Login Form with MS Access
Login Form using c# and ms access as database..?‎
closing Login form after a successful Login in C# form‎
create a login form using c#‎
C# program to connect to mysql
php login code mysql
Login Source Codes
Code for login form in c#
C# Login form Searches related to c# login form
java login form
visual basic login form
visual studio login form
c# login form template
c# login form access database
c# login form example
c# login form code
c# login form sql
create login page contain user id,password,buttons
mysql C# sample code

C# WPF Tutorial 4- SQLite database connection using ADO.NET 2.0 Provide...

Sqlite provider 2.0 for .C# WPF .net provider 


sqlite provider 2.0 for .C# .net provider
Is there a .NET/C# wrapper for SQLite?
ADO.NET 2.0/3.5 Provider for SQLite  C#-SQLite
Searches related to for SQLite C#
c# system data sqlite example
system data sqlite
system data sqlite tutorial
system data sqlite example
system data sqlite connection string
system data sqlite 64 bit
system data mysql

Thursday, June 27, 2013

How to add each post in separate boxes in blogger?

Do you want to make your blog look neat?If so this is post is  must for you.If you want to know how it looks  like,just see my blog.Bloggers default post makes it difficult for readers to differentiate each post but with this trick your readers will no longer have to struggle differentiating posts.

                                  Follow the below steps to apply this trick
  1. Go to Blogger Dashboard.
  2. Click on Template tab.
  3. Click on the Customize button.
  4. Click on Advanced option and then click on Add CSS.
  5. Now paste the below code after the last line in the text box.     
    .post {
    border: 2px solid 
    .post:hover {
    border: 2px solid 
    .post:active {
    border: 2px solid 
  6.  Now save it.
                             Watch the video tutorial below to better understand this post.


  • IF you want the border to appear thick change the pixel size from 2px to your desired thickness.
  • If you want to change the background color replace #FFFFFF with your color code.
  • If you want to change the border color then replace #000000 #FF0000 #0004FF this with your color code.
To find color codes for your favorite colors visit here.

                                       Watch the video tutorial

 Subscribe to our blog for other blogger tricks and tips.

C++ program to print patterns of numbers

C++ program to print pyramid of numbers

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int i,j,rows;
cout<<"Enter the number of rows: ";
cout<<j<<" ";
return 0;

1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5


  1. Write a C++ program to Make Simple calculator

  2. Write a C++ program to arrange 10 numbers in ascending order

  3. Write a C++ program to calculates the following equation for entered numbers (n, x). 1+ (nx/1!) - (n(n-1)x^2/2!)

  4. Write a C++ program to 1. Initialize Matrices 2. Print Matrices 3. Multiply Matrices 4. Transpose of 2nd Matrix 5. Move Row and Column of 2nd Matrix 6. Quit

  5. Write the C++ program for processing of the students structure

  6. Write a C++ program that gets two strings from input and stores them in variables such as str1 and str2

  7. Write a C++ program that gets one text with the maximum of 256 characters from input and converts it to standard format based on the following rules and prints the final standardized text

  8. C++ Mini-Project: Human Resource Management Program

  9. Write a C++ program to Solve Quadratic equation

  10. C++ program for Calculation of the surface and the volume of a cone

  11. C++ Program to show Fibonacci Series

  12. C++ Program for Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion

  13. C++ program to convert decimal number into binary


  15. C++ program to find prime numbers in a given range

  16. C++ program to find Armstrong number

  17. C++ program to find prime number

  18. C++ program to convert a string into upper-case or lower-case

  19. C++ program to concatenate strings

  20. How to Run and install the mongo c++ drivers (MongoDB) On Ubuntu Linux

  21. How to Install Crypto++ Library with the Eclipse IDE on UBUNTU12.10 OS.

  22. Build and Run Sample Code Using Log4Cpp from Source Code on Ubuntu

  23. C++ counting the number of lines in a text file

  24. How do you implement the factorial function in C++

  25. C++ program to find HCF n LCM of two numbers

  26. The most elegant way to split a string in C++

  27. C++ Program for Printing 1 to 1000 without loop



  30. C++ code to print all odd and even numbers in given range

  31. C++ Program to Check Palindrome Number

  32. C++ code to get sum of all odd numbers in given range

  33. C++ program to find ASCII Code for Characters and numbers

  34. Compiling and Integrating Crypto++ into the Microsoft Visual C++ Environment + Running Sample program

  35. Write a c++ program that calculates the average of three numbers

  36. C++ program compute hourly pay taking overtime into account

  37. C++ program to print 5 rows of 10 stars

  38. Write a C++ program that can print a temperature conversion

  39. Write a C++ program to construct a pyramid of stars


  41. Program for climbing worm program in c++

  42. C++ Program to display current date and time

  43. A C++ program to print the half pyramid

  44. C++ program to print pyramid of numbers

C++ Conversion

C program to print patterns of numbers
program to print pyramid of numbers
C++ Program to print half pyramid as using numbers as shown in figure below

C++ Program To display the half pyramid of * stars numbers and character
c++ program to print patterns of numbers and stars
Program to print half Pyramid
C Programming: half Pyramid
A program to print the half pyramid
Program to print pyramid of stars * - C Programming Examples
C++ program to print half patterns of numbers and stars
C++ Tutorial – A Star half pyramid and String triangle using for loops
C++ Star Pyramid - C++ Forum
c++ program to print patterns, half pyramids of numbers and stars
C++ Programming: Reverse Star Pyramid
C++ Programming Source Code to Print Pyramid and Triangles
Program to print pyramid of stars
C++ Tutorial – A Star pyramid and String triangle using for loops
C++ Program to Print Star Pyramid Triangle, C++
C++ programs to print pyramid patterns
C++ Program to print star pattern pyramid
C++ Programming Code To Create Pyramid and Structure
Print pyramids and diamonds in C Language - C and C++

C++ Program to print half Pyramid

A C++ program to print the half pyramid

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int i,j,rows;
cout<<"Enter the number of rows: ";
cout<<"* ";
return 0;

* *
* * *
* * * *
* * * * *


  1. Write a C++ program to Make Simple calculator
  2. Write a C++ program to arrange 10 numbers in ascending order
  3. Write a C++ program to calculates the following equation for entered numbers (n, x). 1+ (nx/1!) - (n(n-1)x^2/2!)
  4. Write a C++ program to 1. Initialize Matrices 2. Print Matrices 3. Multiply Matrices 4. Transpose of 2nd Matrix 5. Move Row and Column of 2nd Matrix 6. Quit
  5. Write the C++ program for processing of the students structure
  6. Write a C++ program that gets two strings from input and stores them in variables such as str1 and str2
  7. Write a C++ program that gets one text with the maximum of 256 characters from input and converts it to standard format based on the following rules and prints the final standardized text
  8. C++ Mini-Project: Human Resource Management Program
  9. Write a C++ program to Solve Quadratic equation
  10. C++ program for Calculation of the surface and the volume of a cone
  11. C++ Program to show Fibonacci Series
  12. C++ Program for Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion
  13. C++ program to convert decimal number into binary
  15. C++ program to find prime numbers in a given range
  16. C++ program to find Armstrong number
  17. C++ program to find prime number
  18. C++ program to convert a string into upper-case or lower-case
  19. C++ program to concatenate strings
  20. How to Run and install the mongo c++ drivers (MongoDB) On Ubuntu Linux
  21. How to Install Crypto++ Library with the Eclipse IDE on UBUNTU12.10 OS.
  22. Build and Run Sample Code Using Log4Cpp from Source Code on Ubuntu
  23. C++ counting the number of lines in a text file
  24. How do you implement the factorial function in C++
  25. C++ program to find HCF n LCM of two numbers
  26. The most elegant way to split a string in C++
  27. C++ Program for Printing 1 to 1000 without loop
  30. C++ code to print all odd and even numbers in given range
  31. C++ Program to Check Palindrome Number
  32. C++ code to get sum of all odd numbers in given range
  33. C++ program to find ASCII Code for Characters and numbers
  34. Compiling and Integrating Crypto++ into the Microsoft Visual C++ Environment + Running Sample program
  35. Write a c++ program that calculates the average of three numbers
  36. C++ program compute hourly pay taking overtime into account
  37. C++ program to print 5 rows of 10 stars
  38. Write a C++ program that can print a temperature conversion
  39. Write a C++ program to construct a pyramid of stars
  41. Program for climbing worm program in c++
  42. C++ Program to display current date and time
  43. A C++ program to print the half pyramid
  44. C++ program to print pyramid of numbers

C++ Conversion


C++ Program To display the half pyramid of * stars numbers and character
c++ program to print patterns of numbers and stars
 Program to print half Pyramid
C Programming: half Pyramid
A program to print the half pyramid
Program to print pyramid of stars * - C Programming Examples
C++ program to print half patterns of numbers and stars
C++ Tutorial – A Star half pyramid and String triangle using for loops
C++ Star Pyramid - C++ Forum
c++ program to print patterns, half pyramids of numbers and stars
C++ Programming: Reverse Star Pyramid
C++ Programming Source Code to Print Pyramid and Triangles
Program to print pyramid of stars
C++ Tutorial – A Star pyramid and String triangle using for loops
C++ Program to Print Star Pyramid Triangle, C++
C++ programs to print pyramid patterns
C++ Program to print star pattern pyramid
C++ Programming Code To Create Pyramid and Structure
Print pyramids and diamonds in C Language - C and C++

How to convert text to binary in Java

Convert String to Binary in Java


public class TexttoBinary {
private static final int maxBytes = 3;
public static void main(String[] args) {

BufferedReader in =
new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
do {
try {
System.out.print("Type the number to parse: ");
int number = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
int Bit;
String result = "";
for (int i = maxBytes*8; i >= 0; i--) {
Bit = 1 << i;
if (number >= Bit) {
result += 1;
number -= Bit;
else {
result += 0;
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
catch (IOException e) {
while (true);

How to convert binary to text in Java
java: converting binary to text?
Convert String to Binary
Thread: Converting a string of binary to data, to save to a ...
Thread: conversion text-binary-text
converting binary to string
Thread: Convert String to Binary equivalent
Java: Convert a binary file to text and back again
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convert binary to text linux
convert binary file to text
convert binary to text sql
convert binary to text c++
converting integer binary java

Convert Number to String in Java

Java Program to Convert Number to String

class NumToStr {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int i = 40;
float f = (float) 100.0;
long l = 3000000;
String s = new String();

s = String.valueOf(i);
System.out.println ("int i = " + s);
s = String.valueOf(f);
System.out.println ("float f = " + s);
s = String.valueOf(l);
System.out.println ("long l = " + s);
s = new Integer(i).toString();
System.out.println ("int i = " + s);
s = new Float(f).toString();
System.out.println ("float f = " + s);
s = new Long(l).toString();
System.out.println ("long l = " + s);


Convert Number to String
java - integer to string conversion
Converting Between Numbers and Strings
Convert int to string : Convert
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convert int to string java 6
convert char to string java
convert float to string java
convert int to string android
int to string java example
java turn string into int
conversion de string a int en java
converting string array to int array in java
How to Convert INT to String in Java
How to Convert String to Integer to String in Java with Example

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Fix Every Error, Every Crash and Every Freeze with eFix !

Does you computer crashes or freezes often?If so it won't be  a trouble for you anymore because eFix will fix all errors in your PC without any troubles.
eFix has a new feature that will speed up your internet by removing unwanted Toolbars that have been installed on your PC.

After repair eFix will: (Main features are given below)
  • Speed up your internet
  • Help your browser work faster and more effectively
  • Reset your search and home page settings
  • Remove unwanted advertisements/pop ups

eFix can:

  • Scan and detect problems in your PC that requires repair.
  • Check hardware issues like Low memory, hard disk speed, CPU power and temperature.eFix recommends solutions for all your hardware problems.
  • Checks security problems like computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, dishonest adware, crime ware, root kits, and other malicious and unwanted software. Any files that have been tagged as malicious and harmful to your system will be deactivated then quarantined.
  • Checks stability issues like PC crashes and gives you recommendations.
At the end of the scan, you get a summary and review of your PC's hardware, security and stability in comparison with the recommended optimum levels.

To learn more visit this link.

To download eFix click here.

Subscribe to our blog for latest PC tricks and cool giveaways!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Confusion about Apps Script Projects in Spreadsheets.

I'm in some confusion about how Apps Script projects work when embedded in a Google Spreadsheet. In my current spreadsheet, when I choose "Script Editor", I see this...

As you can see, there are multiple projects in the spreadsheet. I don't get this. It always happens that when I copy a spreadsheet too... that I end with a "Copy of XXX" and "XXX" Apps Script projects inside the spreadsheet. 

I can add extra projects via the "Create a new project" link but I can't remove projects from spreadsheets. This gets more confusing if both "Copy of Web App n Stuff" and the "Term Week Dates Booking Project" have a doPost () function in them. Which function gets called? 

Why would I want more than one Apps Script project in a spreadsheet?

Why can't I flip a project out to be a standalone Apps Script project?

When making copies of spreadsheets - why do I end up with multiple projects in a spreadsheet?

How might I remove an Apps Script project from a spreadsheet?

Blogger's Identity Issues

Google want you to be you. They sort of insist. And they'd really prefer it if you, the real you had a Google+ profile. And when creating a new blog on Blogger they try and make you link it to a real person's Google+ profile.

Except there's a problem. If you create blog posts with a regular Google identity when at the University of York ( or anywhere ) then if you leave, all the images from your blog posts disappear and the blog posts look as if they are written by "Unknown". Hardly ideal, in fact, pretty rubbish.

I've written about this issue before. It's caused because Blogger is sort of "held in stasis"... it is not a good fit with Google's other tools and yet it is so popular it would be difficult for them to close it down. And given Google's track record with social tools, I imagine they've been working out how to close it down for a while now.

The Problem

A department wanted to avoid this strange behaviour of Blogger because they were setting up a new blog and knew they'd be handing it over to someone else in the department in six months time.

So we decided to use what we call a Non Personal Account (NPA). These are departmental accounts like or that lots of people may be able to answer. Normally the person who had the login details for NPA would delegate email access to other people. This means a team of people might share the responsibility for answering emails ( that would come from rather than their personal email account ).

An issue with using an NPA for shared Blogger accounts is that you can't delegate access like you can with email accounts. You have to share the username and password which is something Google frown upon. You have to be a real person remember and shared accounts break all that, horribly.

More Problems...

We, or rather the department I was working with found that even before they'd got started blogging, simply registering with Blogger had issues.

The first hurdle was choosing a first and second name for the account. Reasonably they chose an acronym of their department and "Admin" as names. They were then told that these weren't real names and that their account would be suspended if the account didn't have real names.

When choosing a "birthday" for the account, they chose, the start date for their project which as it turns out made the account younger than 13 years old, locking their account and requiring assistance to get it re-instated.

You also have to remember to change the NPA password every time somebody leaves.

And the problems that arise from being logged in to two accounts ( their York one and the NPA ) are hilarious. If you like laughing at pain.

Google's Response...

During all these fun and games, Google helpfully suggested that "what we really need is a Google+ Business Page"... like this.  I'm not convinced.

The thing about posts in Google+ is that there is no idea or feeling of drafting. Posts aren't something you can save and come back to. You can't share editing with a colleague. 

You can't add multiple images. You can't alter layout. It's like comparing DTP to a text message. 

You can't easily collect "posts" together into collections... or collate stuff. The post tags don't really work very well either. With Google+ it feels like you're throwing something into the information stream, something quick and ephemeral, but blogs have always had a more permanent feel, a feeling that a post from a few years ago can still be relevant and part of a larger whole.

The Elephant in The Room... of course that Blogger is pretty much dead to Google and they'd love everyone to start using Google+. I don't mind this strategic coercion, I like Google+ ( a lot ) but when people want a blog, you know maybe they actually want a blog. They want posts and pages with navigation. And they might want it to look a certain way too. People are fussy like that - when they're scrumping for apples onions won't do.

Not A Great Place To Be...

... not having a blogging solution at York that I just don't feel comfortable with...

  • Using a Blogger blog with an account isn't really tenable. Old blog posts get shredded if you leave.
  • Using a Google+ Business Page instead of a blog isn't remotely realistic.
  • Using a Blogger blog with an NPA account isn't very secure (shared password) and has a number of set up and usage issues. I tend to advise people to use two separate browsers ( i.e Firefox and Chrome ).
  • Using a Blogger blog with a consumer gmail account is probably best. It's long term, in that it won't blow up if you leave York.

... and the worst part is that Google have all they need in terms of technology sitting right there. It just need a little re-wiring.

Google could spruce up Google Sites - which has a woeful Announcements page feature, or make Google+ pages and posts just a shade more configurable, or even make collections of Google Docs be presentable as a blog. It's all there - there's nothing new. It's only blogging. And in terms of our needs, corporate or organisation blogging isn't even very demanding. We don't need the latest far out technologies, we just need a blog... for a department... that doesn't do evil.

When Do You Have Your Weekly Team Meetings?

I met with a department recently and they'd made a spreadsheet where they could tell each other when their preferred time to have a weekly meeting would be. When you have lots of people working different hours as they do, it's difficult to choose a single time that doesn't always exclude someone.

They created a sheet for everyone that looks like this.... You can see how complex things can be schedule-wise for just one person.

The problem was that when they tried to calculate when the best time to meet would be, they got this...

...and discovered that there's never a good time to have a Team Meeting - except for Friday breakfast and over lunch on Tuesday.

I think the problem may have been our inability to imagine how to go about solving the problem, mine especially. Using lots of embedded arcane formulas in spreadsheets has always worried me. I imagine this is simple for a spreadsheet expert. 

What we needed to was work out all the available times ( making them numerical rather than "IF-NEED-BE" ) and then rank those times based on percentages of all the times. This ( below ) took a few lines in Apps Script.

And we discovered that the BEST time to have a weekly meeting, based on the data collected, was Friday at 4PM.

... crazy eh?

Update your drivers with Driver Booster{It's free}

Iobit's driver boosterOutdated drivers may heavily affect your PC's performance and lead to system crashes.Therefore it is important to update your drivers to the latest for reliable performance.There are several driver update manager software s in the market for a small amount.But if you want to have one for free there aren't many.We cannot completely rely on the free driver updating softwares because most of them update the drivers to the latest but no the company certified drivers.Therefore it is important to download a good driver updater software.
One of the free driver updater software is Driver Booster.It scans and identifies outdated drivers automatically.You can choose which drivers to  download and it installs drivers just in one click.Moreover, it is specially designed to tweak drivers for best gaming performance. It's the right tool to protect your PC from hardware failures, conflicts, and system crashes.The software is made by Iobit which is a well known company for it's game booster.
There are currently two versions of Driver Booster-Free version and Pro version.

Screenshot of driver booster


  • Auto scan and update
  • Settings for auto scan weekly,monthly,biweekly and daily
  • Awesome design
  • Certified drivers
  • Update all option
  • Classification for existing drivers as old,very old and ancient
  • Shows the driver category (e.g:audio input & output)
  • It's free
I have used this software and I am extremely happy with this free driver updater software.
Free Download Driver Booster

Other Driver Updater Softwares

  • Device Doctor-Device Doctor is a free Windows application that scans your computer hardware and checks to see if there are new driver updates available for your devices. It also locates drivers for "unidentified devices" in the Windows Device Manager.You can download it here.
  • DriverMax-It allows you to easily update drivers to the latest version.They also help you find the rarest drivers.Their export feature allows you to export the downloaded drivers in a zip file.You can download it here.
Further Reading: Speed up direct downloads
                             Speed up browsing in chrome,firefox and IE

Have I missed to explain something?Leave your views on this software in the comments.

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