Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Converting a Google Document to simple HTML

5:48 AM

This article looks at creating an application that converts a Google Document to HTML, saves it in a folder on your Google Drive and then shares that folder on the web.

This tool is meant for those situations where you have to work in HTML but you'd prefer it if you could use Google's fantastic collaboration features on the content first.

What This App Doesn't Do

It doesn't try to be too clever. I quite like HTML from back in the 90s when it was simple. Most other systems where you can add HTML don't like you getting too fancy either.

It doesn't try to size the images or even get ALL the document elements like Tables of Contents or Page Breaks, it just does the absolute basic needed to copy the source HTML into Blogger or into your CMS and you will need to do more than a little "fixing up" along the way.

What is really useful about this app is that all the images are now hosted and so you don't need to go through the painstaking process of copying the images into new images, saving them online somewhere, getting the URL of those images and replacing the right image src in your new HTML source. This was a pain for me.

Also, the app doesn't HTML encode the "<" and the ">" so you can add HTML tags like the preformatted tag or whatever, knowing that they'll still be there in the outputted HTML. I use the font Courier New to tell it that I don't want the converter code to touch it, but one of the problems is that ANY HTML that is lurking in "courier new" code is shown, as HTML.

The results can be hilarious. Ah well. I said it would need "fixing" up. Here's an example of the HTML it generates.

The application itself looks like this.

The simple application lets you select which Google Doc you want to convert to HTML and then loops through the document elements and creates a html page.

Any images found are added to Google Drive hosting ( their URLs changed to the new location ) letting you copy the HTML from the "index.html" file and paste it anywhere you need.

And Finally

You can try it on your documents here:

Or if you'd like to rummage around the code please feel free to improve it.

Written by

We are one of the initiators of the development of information technology in understanding the need for a solution that is familiar and close to us.


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