Saturday, June 29, 2013

How to add blogger favicon? Fix Favicon not showing error!

7:22 AM

How to create a blog?Oh!You have already done that,haven't you?Ok then.Have you added your own favicon for your blog.If no then follow the steps below.
Favicon is important for Website branding. It is important to design a custom Favicon as it is very easy to create and used to represent your website.


  Favicons are displayed on
  •  Address bar 
  • The history bar
  •  Bookmarks or Favourites 
  • Shortcuts
  • Links bar
How to add blogger favicon?
  1. Go to to download a favicon or make your own favicon.(Make sure that the favicon size is less than 100 KB and it is in square shape.)
  2. Then go to your blogger dashboard and navigate to layout tab.
  3. Click on Edit Favicon on the upper left corner of the layout.
  4. Then upload your favicon and hit save.
  5. Go to your blog and check whether it is showing up.
  6. That's it.You are done.
If you can't see your favicon then go to
                                      http://YOUR BLOG URL/favicon.ico

If you still can't see

  1. Empty the browser cache and reload the webpage.
Hit the +1 button below if this trick has worked for you.

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We are one of the initiators of the development of information technology in understanding the need for a solution that is familiar and close to us.


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