I created an Apps Script in Google Drive and then added this code below.
function doGet(e) {
var app = UiApp.createApplication().setTitle("Restricted Multiple Choice").setHeight(250).setWidth(500)
// Define the grid layout
var grid = app.createGrid(16, 3 ).setStyleAttribute(3, 2, "width", "420px").setCellPadding(5)
grid.setStyleAttribute("margin-left", "auto")
grid.setStyleAttribute("margin-right", "auto")
grid.setStyleAttribute("margin-top", "100px")
// Create the text at the top
var html = ''
html += "Restricted Multiple Choice"
html += "You can only choose 3 of the items below."
var html_widget = app.createHTML(html, false)
grid.setWidget(1, 2, html_widget)
// Create the checkboxes
var select = app.createServerHandler('selectHandler').addCallbackElement(grid)
var checkbox_1 = app.createCheckBox("Item 1").setId("item_1").addValueChangeHandler(select).setName("item_1")
grid.setWidget(3, 2, checkbox_1)
var checkbox_2 = app.createCheckBox("Item 2").setId("item_2").addValueChangeHandler(select).setName("item_2")
grid.setWidget(4, 2, checkbox_2)
var checkbox_3 = app.createCheckBox("Item 3").setId("item_3").addValueChangeHandler(select).setName("item_3")
grid.setWidget(5, 2, checkbox_3)
var checkbox_4 = app.createCheckBox("Item 4").setId("item_4").addValueChangeHandler(select).setName("item_4")
grid.setWidget(6, 2, checkbox_4)
var checkbox_5 = app.createCheckBox("Item 5").setId("item_5").addValueChangeHandler(select).setName("item_5")
grid.setWidget(7, 2, checkbox_5)
var checkbox_6 = app.createCheckBox("Item 6").setId("item_6").addValueChangeHandler(select).setName("item_6")
grid.setWidget(8, 2, checkbox_6)
var checkbox_7 = app.createCheckBox("Item 7").setId("item_7").addValueChangeHandler(select).setName("item_7")
grid.setWidget(9, 2, checkbox_7)
// Create the "convert" button
var handler2 = app.createServerHandler('submitHandler').addCallbackElement(grid);
var convert_button = app.createButton('Submit Selection', handler2).setId("btn")
grid.setWidget(10, 2, convert_button)
// Create the message at the bottom
var msg = app.createHTML("Please make only three choices.", false).setId("msg")
grid.setWidget(11, 2, msg)
return app
function submitHandler(e){
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication( )
var msg = app.getElementById("msg")
msg.setVisible( true )
msg.setText( "This doesn't do anything yet" )
return app
function selectHandler(e){
var count = 0
if ( e.parameter['item_1'] == 'true' ){
count = count + 1
if ( e.parameter['item_2'] == 'true' ){
count = count + 1
if ( e.parameter['item_3'] == 'true' ){
count = count + 1
if ( e.parameter['item_4'] == 'true' ){
count = count + 1
if ( e.parameter['item_5'] == 'true' ){
count = count + 1
if ( e.parameter['item_6'] == 'true' ){
count = count + 1
if ( e.parameter['item_7'] == 'true' ){
count = count + 1
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication( )
var msg = app.getElementById("msg")
var btn = app.getElementById("btn")
if ( count > 3 ){
msg.setText( "You have chosen more than three items" )
msg.setText( "You have chosen " + count + " items." )
return app
The application itself looks like this, the submit button is only clickable once you've clicked three checkboxes.

If you'd like to make a copy of the application's code to figure out how it works, the Apps Script code is here:
In Conclusion
This unusual little app is one of many that I'm currently exploring. Lots of people believe that what they want is a simple form for gathering data, but are finding out that they want the data to be "intelligent" and dependant on other items selected.Just because it walks like a form, looks like a form and quacks like a form, doesn't meant it's a form.
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