Saturday, October 3, 2015

Stages menu intel XDK for developers

6:52 PM

If we look at the upper part of Intel XDK applications, there will be a menu like in the picture below:

Each of these menu represents the phase of development on the Intel XDK is as follows:

This stage is the stage when the application was made and developed. There are two options development at this stage is the Editor and Designer App. In the choice of our Editor Coding and can perform activities on the App Designer options we can do layouting activity.

At this stage we make the applications tested to be simulated when running on the device later. There are a lot of menus to perform simulations such as accelerometer, geolocation, Network, Events, and others.

At this stage we create applications that will try to run on the original device. That necessary to perform this stage is that we first need to install App Lab applications on the device that will be a place we try our application. Later, on the App Lab we can open applications that we develop the we push to the server during this test phase. App Lab application is available for devices with iOS and Android platform.

This stage is the stage when we dibuild application into an application for each platform we choose. The way is easy that simply by clicking one of the platforms on the menu in the Build stage is the application we will be uploaded to the server and the server will be returned in the form of an application package that is ready to install or published in the platform that we have chosen

This stage is actually optional additional step if we want to use services provided to do things such as putting an ad in the application us, to track performance of our applications, and others.

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