Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Google Launches Detailed Policy Violation Feature In Adsense !

9:30 PM

Google Adsense is the most popular PPC network for bloggers and web masters.They have strict policy guidelines to ensure that their publishers do not violate their guidelines.Many publishers fail to follow these guidelines which causes them  to get either suspended or banned.One of the main problems faced by adsense publishers is that they don't know whether they have violated the guidelines or not.Premium publishers don't find this as a trouble because they can contact adsense directly.But ordinary adsense publishers has a limited support to contact adsense which I have already written in my previous post.We have seen a lot of improvements in adsense since the 10th anniversary of adsense which includes adsense on https sites,local time zone,new fonts,more control on ads,monetizing online game with trueview and adsense,etc.While checking my adsense account I saw another new feature which is the new policy violation feature.

What is the new Policy Violations feature?

Getting banned from adsense without even knowing the cause is the worst nightmare for every bloggers and webmasters.This has resulted many people to dislike adsense because everyone makes mistake and it is their  right  to know what was the cause of getting suspended or banned.Recently google has introduced a new feature called policy violations that actually reports you the cause of the violation and helps you recover from the violation.
This is what Google said:Adsense policy violation alert
Going forward, if our system detects a policy violation, you’ll receive both an email and an account notification with a link to view more details. Under the Policy violations section on the home tab, you can quickly access important information including details on each violation, the issue ID and an example of the violation on your site. The page will also include details on the action you need to take to resolve the violation.

How  To Use The Policy Violation Feature?

  1. Log in to your adsense account.
  2. Click on the policy violation tab in the left pane.
    Policy violation tab in adsense left pane
  3. If you have any policy violations you will see the alert there else you will see a similar message"You have no policy violations on record. Thank you!".
Congrats if you have no violations!Don't worry if you you have violations.Fix it as soon as you can so that there will  not be any trouble.


You will see a similar screenshot when you have an alert on your adsense.
Adsense policy violation alert

You will see a similar screenshot on the policy violation page when you have an alert.
Detailed report on adsense policy violation

When you have no alert you will see a similar screenshot as below.
Adsense policy violation page with no violations

Further reading: Top 15 Adsense ad placement location for blogger
                            Guide to adsense ad sizes and placements
                             Must have gadget for adsense publishers

Leave a comment on how this update helps you.Tell us more about the violation feature in the comments if you have experienced an alert.

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