Monday, October 5, 2015

Intel XDK easy steps to create mobile applications

4:19 AM

Intel XDK easy steps to create mobile applications

Intel XDK with our easy to create HTML5-based mobile application, the application is free to use for developers, free and with features that are quite complete.

Additionally, Intel XDK is a tool for developing applications based on the lightweight mobile emulator for application menjaankan directly or by way of debugging. Developers easy with gui-based User Interface design with various Framwork UI such as JQuery Mobile, Twitter bootstraps, Ionic and many more.

Applications can be developed also vary, in the example projects included applications on Intel XDK there that fall into the category of games, and other applications.

In the image above we demonstrated the mobile application of e-learning we developed antrmukanya using HTML 5 using JQuery UI Framwork Mobile.

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We are one of the initiators of the development of information technology in understanding the need for a solution that is familiar and close to us.


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