Saturday, October 3, 2015

HTML5 Mobile Application

6:34 AM

The fifth revision of the HTML language, There are several new attributes and elements that support the development of modern websites. As a whole is a merger between the technology HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, The future of the development of multimedia applications.

Ex Html5 Code :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>Contoh Hello World</title>
        <p>Hello World.</p>
HTML5 has a renewal, including:
New Elements
New Attributes
Full CSS3 Support
Video and Audio
2D / 3D Graphics
local Storage
Local SQL Database
web Application

Example: Element Canvas:
<canvas id=“canvas” width=“150” height=“150”>

function draw() {
    var canvas = document.getElementById(“canvas”);
    if (canvas.getContext) {
        var ctx = canvas.getContext(“2d”);
        ctx.fillStyle = “rgb(200,0,0)”;
        ctx.fillRect (10,10,55,50);

        ctx.fillStyle = “rgb(0,0,200)”;
        ctx.fillRect (30,30,55,50);
The advantage of using HTML5:
  1. Natively supported by the browser (no plugins required)
  2. Cross-platform support
  3. Mobile support platform
  4. HTML5 consists of a set of technology so that developers have more choices in developing HTML5.

Come join the first group of people who are able to develop HTML5 applications.
Mobile Application, application running on a mobile device, can be created by third-party developers and stored in the marketplace that belong to each mobile operating system
Intel XDK, a device for developers to develop a hybrid HTML5 apps for a variety of mobile devices and other HTML5 applications such as Google Chrome extension, a Facebook application or a mobile website
Excess Intel XDK:
  1. Is a one stop application for all phases of application development HTML5.
  2. Fully supported by the HTML5 application development technology Hybrid AppMobi.
    1. Multiplatform
    2. In App Purchasing
    3. Javascript API

Platform Supported Intel XDK:
  1. Mobile
    1.  iOS
    2. Android
    3. Windows Phone 8
    4. Windows 8 Store
    5. Tizen
    6. Amazon
    7. Nook
  2.   Web App
    1. Web App
    2. Chrome
    3. Facebook
Come join the first group of people who are able to develop HTML5 applications. Are you ready?

Written by

We are one of the initiators of the development of information technology in understanding the need for a solution that is familiar and close to us.


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