Sunday, May 26, 2013

Essential Eclipse Shortcuts keys

10:46 AM

File Navigation – Eclipse Shortcuts

  • CTRL SHIFT R – Open a resource. You need not know the path and just part of the file name is enough.
  • CTRL E – Open a file (editor) from within the list of all open files.
  • CTRL PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN – Navigate to previous or next file from within the list of all open files.
  • ALT <- or ALT -> – Go to previous or next edit positions from editor history list.

Java Editing – Eclipse Shortcuts

  • CTRL SPACE – Type assist
  • CTRL SHIFT F – Format code.
  • CTRL O – List all methods of the class and again CTRL O lists including inherited methods.
  • CTRL SHIFT O – Organize imports.
  • CTRL SHIFT U – Find reference in file.
  • CTRL / – Comment a line.
  • F3 – Go to the declaration of the variable.
  • F4 – Show type hierarchy of on a class.
  • CTRL T – Show inheritance tree of current token.
  • SHIFT F2 – Show Javadoc for current element.
  • ALT SHIFT Z – Enclose block in try-catch.

General Editing – Eclipse Shortcuts

  • F12 – Focus on current editor.
  • CTRL L – Go to line number.
  • CTRL D – Delete a line.
  • CTRL <- or -> – Move one element left or right.
  • CTRL M – Maximize editor.
  • CTRL SHIFT P – Go to the matching parenthesis.

Debug, Run – Eclipse Shortcuts

  • CTRL . or , – Navigate to next or previous error.
  • F5 – Step into.
  • F6 – Step over.
  • F8 – Resume
  • CTRL Q – Inspect.
  • CTRL F11 – Run last run program.
  • CTRL 1 – Quick fix code.

Search – Eclipse Shortcuts

  • CTRL SHIFT G – Search for current cursor positioned word reference in workspace
  • CTRL H – Java search in workspace.


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