Sunday, April 21, 2013


2:32 AM


  1. C# Tutorial 1:Getting Started and Mysql database Connection
  2. C# Tutorial 2:Create Login Form with MySql
  3. C# Tutorial 3: Password Protection using Textbox
  4. C# Tutorial 4: Add pictures and icons in Frame
  5. C# Tutorial 5: How To Open A Second Form
  6. C# Tutorial 6: Insert/Save data to database
  7. C# Tutorial 7: Edit/Update a data from Database with button
  8. C# Tutorial 8: Deleting selected data from database
  9. C# Tutorial 9: How to Use a Combo box
  10. C# Tutorial 10: How to Link Combobox with Database values
  11. C# Tutorial 11:Database values in textbox if select Combobox
  12. C# Tutorial 12: How to Link List Box with Database and show values in textbox if select ListBox
  13. C# Tutorial 13:Show database values in Table or DataGridView
  14. C# Tutorial 14:How to use Chart /Graph in Visual C#
  15. C# Tutorial 15: How to Link Chart /Graph with Database
  16. C# Tutorial 16: Dynamically Display (Running) Current Date Time
  17. C# Tutorial 17: How to use Progress Bar and Button
  18. C# Tutorial 18: How to gracefully exit this application
  19. C# Tutorial 19: Message Box Asking if The User Wants To Exit
  20. C# Tutorial 20: Change column title of datagridview when connecting Mysql
  21. C# Tutorial 21: Display selected row from datagridview to TextBox in C#
  22. C# Tutorial 22: Checkbox , radiobutton and groupbox with Database in C#
  23. C# Tutorial 23: How to use DateTimePicker and save date in Database
  24. C# Tutorial 24: How to use OpenFileDialog and copy file path
  25. C# Tutorial 25: Open File text into Textbox or richTextBox in C#
  26. C# Tutorial 26: Search and highlight text in Textbox or richTextBox in C#
  27. C# Tutorial 27: Create a text file and write in it using C#
  28. C# Tutorial 28: Create Excel (.XLS and .XLSX) file from C# Using excellibrary
  29. C# Tutorial 29:How to Export Data from Database To Excel File By using C#
  30. C# Tutorial 30: How to import excel file to datagridview in c#
  31. C# Tutorial 31: How to open and show a PDF file inside the Form
  32. C# Tutorial 32: How to launch any (.exe) file in any Directory
  33. C# Tutorial 33: Make Application to Beep and How to add a delay in seconds
  34. C# Tutorial 34: How To Play An Audio File
  35. C# Tutorial 35: Random Number Generator within range C#
  36. C# Tutorial 36: How to use and connect Sqlite in a C# projec
  37. C# Tutorial 37: How to add a (Windows Media Player) Video clip to the form 
  38. C# Tutorial 38: MP3 Media Player in C# 
  39. C# Tutorial 39: Insert image in the database Part 1
  40. C# Tutorial 40: Insert image in the database Part 2
  41. C# Tutorial 41: Retrieving images from Database  
  42. C# Tutorial 42: iTextSharp : How to create PDF file in C#
  43. C# Tutorial 43: iTextSharp : How to create Lists with iTextSharp PDF file in C#  
  44. C# Tutorial 44: iTextSharp : Working with images in iTextSharp PDF file using C# 
  45. C# Tutorial 45: iTextSharp : Add table into existing PDF using iTextSharp 
  46. C# Tutorial 46: iTextSharp : How to get data of Datagridview in pdf in C# 
  47. C# Tutorial 47: iTextSharp : Microsoft Chart Controls to PDF with iTextSharp 
  48. C# Tutorial 48: iTextSharp : How to automatically open ITextSharp PDF after creating file
  49.  C# Tutorial 49: Encrypt data from simple string in C# 
  50. C# Tutorial 50: Decrypt Encrypted data again to simple text 
  51. C# Tutorial 51: Reading PDF File Using iTextSharp and show it in Textbox or RichTextbox 
  52. C# Tutorial 52: Converting PDF to Text in C# 
  53. C# Tutorial 53: Generate Globally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs) in C#
  54.  C# Tutorial 54: How to Make a Simple HTML Editor 
  55. C# Tutorial 55: Passing a value from one form to another form in C# 
  56. C# Tutorial 56: Search data in database and Filter in datagridview or table in C# 
  57. C# Tutorial 57: TextBox which accepts only numbers in C# 
  58. C# Tutorial 58:Creating A Simple Web Browser (Back, Forward, Refresh,...)With Progress Bar in C#
  59. C# Tutorial 59:Creating a Windows Forms Control Like button + event while the Program is running  
  60. C# Tutorial 60:How to use a web cam in C# 
  61. C# Tutorial 61:How to capture the screenshot of desktop using C#
  62. C# Tutorial 62:How to Use the NotifyIcon Control with C#  
  63. C# Tutorial 63: How to open a web page with C# application 
  64. C# Tutorial 64: How do I calculate relative time (e.g. calculate someone's age) 
  65. C# Tutorial 65: How to Get IP address using C# 
  66. C# Tutorial 66: How to Save Files Using SaveFileDialog Component in C# 
  67. C# Tutorial 67: How to make a Tabbed Notepad In C# ( ManuStrip, Cut,Copy,Paste,Open,Save) Part-1 
  68. C# Tutorial 68: How to make a Tabbed Notepad In C# ( ManuStrip, Cut,Copy,Paste,Open,Save) Part-2 
  69. C# Tutorial 69:Remove Current selected tabpage from Tabcontrol using C# 
  70. C# Tutorial 70: Add More functionality to Notepad application (Tab Title, Redo, Undo, Select all)
  71. C# Tutorial 71: How to Display sum and average of Row in dataGridview  
  72. C# Tutorial 72: How to use TreeView (Add ,Removes Clear , Delete Checked Items from a TreeView) 
  73. C# Tutorial 73: How to populate TreeView with file system directory structure
  74. C# Tutorial 74: Opening a file by clicking on it in Treeview  
  75. C# Tutorial 75: How to send email using c# 
  76. C# Tutorial 76: Send Attachment / Multiple attachment file in email using C#
  77. C# Tutorial 77: How to Use FontDialog in C# to change Font Size ,Color,Type .....  
  78. C# Tutorial 78: How to make a Chat Program in C# Part-1/4 
  79. C# Tutorial 79: How to make a Chat Program in C# Part-2/4 
  80. C# Tutorial 80: How to make a Chat Program in C# Part-3/4 
  81. C# Tutorial 81: How to make a Chat Program in C# Part-4/4 
  82. C# Tutorial 82: Using Regular Expressions (regex or regexp) in C# 
  83. C# Tutorial 83: How to use Multiple-Document Interface (MDI) in Windows Forms C# 
  84. C# Tutorial 84: How to Create An AutoComplete TextBox In C# 
  85. C# Tutorial 85: Textbox autocomplete with Database Values
  86. How to enable Line numbering in Visual Studio 2010
  87. C# Tutorial 86: Text to Speech Converter Sample in C#   
  88. C# Tutorial 87: How to make a Simple Splash Screen with ProgressBar in C# 
  89. C# Tutorial 88: How to Search Listbox and get all matches using C#
  90. C# Tutorial 89: How to Publish an Application in C# and Make the Installation Setup  
  91. C# Tutorial 90: How to Display Google Maps in C# Windows Form 
  92. C# Tutorial 91: How to get Source Code from a Website with C# 
  93. C# Tutorial 92: How to Download a File from Internet using C# 
  94. C# Tutorial 93: How to list Files and Folders in the selected directory in a listbox 
  95. C# Tutorial 94: How to Convert Images from One Format to Another (ex png to jpg, gif, png, etc.) 
  96. How to Create a CHM or Compiled HTML Help (.CHM) File 
  97. C# Tutorial 95: How to open and use CHM (Compiled HTML Help) help file in C# 
  98. C# Tutorial 96: Determine if internet connection is available using C# 
  99. C# Tutorial 97: How to shutdown the computer from C# 
  100. C# Tutorial 98: How to use ContextMenuStrip (Right mouse click) in C#
  101. C# Tutorial 99: How To Add ToolTips To Controls On A Windows Form in C#  
  102. C# Tutorial 100: How to embed VLC Media Player into C# Windows Forms Application 
  103. C# Tutorial 101: How to Add or Embed YouTube Videos In C# Windows Forms Application 
  104. C# Tutorial 102: How to make a Live Currency Converter Using C# 
  105. Please Support ProgrammingKnowledge .... 
  106. How to Make a Calculator in C# Windows Form Application Part-1 
  107. How to Make a Calculator in C# Windows Form Application Part-2 

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We are one of the initiators of the development of information technology in understanding the need for a solution that is familiar and close to us.


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